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Five Short Chapters on Change

Five Short Chapters on Change

Chapter 1.
I walk down a street and there’s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. It takes forever to get out. It’s not my fault.

Chapter 2.
I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It still takes a long time to get out. It’s not my fault.

Chapter 3.
I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It’s becoming a habit. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Chapter 4.
I walk down the same street and see the deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Chapter 5.
I walk down a different street.
-Portia Nelson

Are you falling into the same hole time after time? What patterns do you keep repeating? What experiences do you get repeating? Same ole traps in relationships, work and play? Do you keep having the same ole negative thoughts about yourself and others? How many times do you have to keep reliving the same issues over and over, like in the movie Ground hog day! Repeating the same day over and over, until he finally gets it right.
What are you creating you your life, and what would you like to recreate. The emotional energy from our past affects us in our present experience. It comes up over and over because your body and mind wants it to be cleared and replaced with something better. So, ask yourself what emotional energy keeps repeating itself in your life. What repeating feelings and experiences are you having? They might be different faces, and a different day but it is probably the same ole feelings and emotions that keep arising.
Is it time to fill up the hole in the street? Is it time to find a new street? It is time to stop thinking about it! It is time to choose different thoughts when the old ones arise. This year is the year for new streets and new avenues of a better life. It is time to put up a detour sign on the street with the hole and finding the quicker route to happiness and joy.
Start to first own these feelings and then tell yourself you are done with that street, let go and change. Tell yourself that you are sorry for having these repeating thoughts, feelings and experiences that are not for your highest and best. Tell yourself how much that you love and honor yourself, and that you are happy with yourself for being on a new street.
If these feelings are stuck and seem like they go deep and you would like to find the root cause, and be rid of them and to change them out of your DNA, and out of your cells feel free to call and schedule a time with me that I can help you change, with grace and ease, with laughter and tears.
It is the year of endings and the year for new beginnings and it is easier to let go and change than ever before.

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