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Acknowledging You!

Loving oneself is the number one prerequisite to attracting love, joy, wellness, abundance and an all in all good life!
Learning to remember how to love yourself unconditionally, accepting all of you; including your imperfections, embracing your faults and vulnerabilities! Recognizing your faults and fears is just your path to improve, and become a better person. So it is time to be kinder, gentler and more compassionate to you! When you learn to treat yourself with the respect that you deserve it will help you along your path of knowing why you are, who you are. This connects you with your Heart Core Center.
So how is the saying “I love you” to yourself? I heard Louise Hay once speak about doing this practice but she added saying it to yourself in the mirror! Yes look at yourself in the mirror and say I love you! This might be uncomfortable for awhile, but stay with it, you will start to see changes. So, when you brush your teeth, wash your face, shave, put on your makeup or even when you pass the mirror, look into your eyes let go of ego say aloud to yourself “I love you”! Do it with love, do it with attitude, do it with humor, however you can do it, just DO IT! And start seeing your true nature, that amazing spiritual being that is amazing and wonderful.2013-11-16 11.03.29

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