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Wellness Wednesdays

girl-481260_1280Wellness Wednesday’ 30 for 40!

That is 30 min. for $40.

Yes, a 30-minute session for $40 bucks!

This is a great time for those small issues you’ve got going, or those couple of questions you’ve got rolling around you heart and mind, and do not want a full hour a quick consult will do the trick!

Not feeling quite well it is a great way for me to give you a body scan and see what’s up! How about energy clearing and aura fluff? Take this opportunity to check in with your angels and your life path.

This offer is for existing clients and is only for 30-minute consults.  Phone or Skype consults with in person one on one session by request.

Schedule your Wednesday’s time today!!!

Amazing Coconut Oil

Recently  I’ve come to know a little more about coconut oil, and am finding that I absolutely love this stuff! So I’ve gathered a few things I thought I’d share. I have found over 100 uses and benefits of coconut, and I’m sure some of you reading this have more ideas.

1. Anti- Fungal
2. Anti Bacterial
3. Exfoliates
4. Moisturizer
5. Cleanser
6. Minimize heartburn
7. Minimizes acid reflux
8. Moisturizes skin to alleviate wrinkles and dryness
9. Bath oil (add in with some Epsom salts, essential oil, and baking soda – delicious bath!)
10. Great lip balm
11. Helps to clear up cold sores
12. Rub on the inside of the nose to alleviate some allergy symptoms
13. Deodorant
14. Reduce sun spots and age spots
15. Reduce acne
16. Great skin softener
17. Soften those elbows
18. Moisten chapped noses
19. Add baking soda and coconut it’s a naturally whitening toothpaste
20. Helps to prevent gum disease and tooth decay
21. Breath freshener
22. Amazing conditioner for hair for softness and fizzes
23. Fight dandruff and flaky scalps
24. Lice fighter –  mix with some apple cider vinegar
25. Nail and cuticle treatment – reduce hangnails
26. Cracked feet – heels
27. Athletes foot and skin fungus’
28. Softens and lightens scars
29. Shaving cream, soft skin after!
30. Daily rubbed into scalp will stimulate hair growth
31. Helps to resolve acne
32. Heals to heal bruises
33. Helps to stabilized glucose levels and improve diabetes symptoms
34. Builds healthy cells
35. Eases Arthritis pain
36. Helps to prevent osteoporosis
37. Fights off viruses
38. Fights off other infections
39. Fights against bacteria
40. Added with eucalyptus essential oil it’s a great vapor rub
41. Helps to kill off yeast/Candida and infections
42. Can be used externally and internally to speed up recovery of UTI’s
43. Recovery of kidney infections
44. Relieves dry coughs
45. Added to tea helps the recovery of flu and colds
46. Eases sore throats
47. Tiny bit can help speed healing of ear infections
48. Fights inflammation
49. Improves digestion – easy to digest
50. Promotes growth of probiotics
51. Kills off certain parasites
52. Reduces ulcers
53. Helps function of gallbladder and prevents disease
54. Improves and aids in healing pancreatitis
55. Improves circulation
56. Aids in prevention of heart disease
57. Helps to reduce high blood pressure
58. Boost the Immune system
59. Builds muscle and decreases body fat
60. High lauric acid content helps boost metabolism
61. Regulates hormones
62. Supports thyroid and adrenal glands
63. Can help to lower cortisol levels naturally
64. Anti-aging properties
65. Helps to lower cholesterol
66. Mix with a TBSP of chia seeds for an all day energy boost!
67. Brain food – reduce risk of Alzheimer’s
68. Helps memory
69. Soothes bug bites
70. Energy booster
71. Weight loss
72. Oil pulling
73. Constipation relief
74. Fights off parasites
75. Dry skin of animals
76. Cleans out the ears of your dog
77. Helps to soften your pets dry nose
78. Coffee Creamer (one of my favorite)
79. Replace your vegetable oil and butter
80. Wood polish!
81. Leather polish – a little goes a long way!
82. Plastic food container stains
83. Cleans ink stains!
84. Soap scum!
85. Season cast iron skillets
86. Rust remover! Let sit for a couple hours and then rinse with warm water, wipe with a soft cloth
87. Great makeup remover
88. Build thicker eyelashes
89. Massage oil – add your favorite essential oil
90. Make a body scrub – recipes follow
91. Helps to heal the perineum after birth
92. Use on nipples between nursing to soothe irritation
93. Babies bath – helps keep their skin healthy and soft
94. Use for cradle cap
95. 3-4 tablespoons a day taken with Vitamin D will help to increase milk supply
96. Melt Shea butter and add coconut oil for a great diaper cream
97. Good for sore nipples of nursing mom’s, rub after nursing.
98. Help prevent stretch marks
99. Personal lubricant – vaginal dryness
100. Rashes
101. Fight athlete’s foot
102. Helps avoid chlorine exposure when swimming
103. Rub on those new tattoos
104. Shiny plants
105. Great base oil or carrier oil
106. Helps to increase sun tolerance and to avoid burning
107. Natural SPF 4 sunscreen
108. Used as a natural tanning oil
109. Or soothe that sunburn and speed the healing of the skin
110. Replace vegetable oils when cooking
111. Can help to improve sleep when taken daily
112. Improves mental alertness

Amazing list of benefits and uses isn’t it?

With a various amount of different products, you can reap amazing health benefits. Eat good ole’ fresh coconuts, then you have coconut water, oils, and creams. And I recommend Alive coconut products. I am practically fond of Coconut Secrets –  Productshttp://www.coconutsecret.com/. They also have a wide variety of other products that are delicious and amazing, I know because I’ve tasted and used most of them!

I also found this great video clip, just for an expert’s opinion on the subject.

Now for the fun of it: here are a few recipes for the do it yourself-ers out there!

Coconut Scrub:
For daily facial cleansing use straight coconut oil. Scoop out of your coconut oil; rubbing it in between your fingers to soften and apply over face. Wash off with warm water cloth.
For a good scrub, here is a great recipe:
1 TBSP coconut oil
1 TBSP baking soda.
2 drops essential oil of your choice
(For a grainy scrub you can use brown sugar)
For an added benefit I like to use essential oils:
Lavender – Helps to regenerate skin cells and is wonderful to relax the skin
Melaleuca – is wonderful for acne prone skin
Lemon – is a natural astringent and antibacterial agent
Frankincense – is anti bacterial and anti inflammatory

Coffee Scrub

Homemade Coffee Scrub and Mask ½ teaspoon coconut oil ½ teaspoon finely ground coffee beans Recipe for glowing skin

Coffee oil Coffee Creamer
¾ cup organic coconut oil (soft, not melted
½ cup raw local honey
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tbsp organic cocoa powder (totally optional! But required in mine!
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk together until they are well combined. Store in a glass jar with a sealable lid.

Hand Scrub

1 Tbsp coconut oil

2 Tbsp honey

¼ cup sea salt

¼ cup sugar

Squeeze of lemon juice or 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil


Stir together coconut oil and honey in a medium bowl.

In another bowl mix remaining ingredients until crumbly

Pour salt mixture over honey mixture and stir until smooth.

Double and triple recipe as needed and store in a air tight glass container.

Shaving Cream:

3 Tbsp coconut oil

4 Tbsp shea butter

2 Tbsp sweet almond oil

10-12 drops of your favorite essential oil (Lavender, Frankincense, sandalwood, melaleuca)


Combine first 3 ingredients in glass bowl over a hot pot of water or double boiler on low heat; stirring until melted.

Add essential oil(s) stirring to combine

Transfer bowl to fridge for at least 30 min. to set and harden

Remove from fridge and whip with mixer until the consistency of frosting

Store in an airtight contain for up to a month.


½ cup coconut oil

½ cup shea butter

5 Tbsp beeswax

2 Tbsp zinc oxide

½ tsp vitamin E oil

10-12 drops of Helichrysum and Tamanu

Heat first 5 ingredients in a glass bowl or double boiler on low heat until melted

Remove from heat and stir in essential oil

Pour into silicone molds, and then allow to cool 30 minutes in fridge

Store in airtight container at room temperature.


2 Tbsp coconut oil (warmed)

6 Tbsp baking soda

10 drops essential oil (wintergreen, peppermint, *on guard)

Fine pink sea salt

Mix all ingredients together until it is a creamy paste

Store in airtight glass jar.

Body Cream:

1 cup coconut oil

1 tsp vitamin oil

Favorite essential oil – 5-6 drops

Mix all ingredients on high speed in mixer or whish for 6-7 min.

Store in sealed glass jar at room temperature.

Pain Cream:

1 cup coconut oil

10 drops Valor

10 drops *Deep blue

10 drops peppermint

Blue Cypress

Clary sage



My Book!

Here it is! I finally finished my little book! You can find it on Amazon. This has been a long time project of mine, long time because of lack of confidence in myself. But with the encouragement of my guides, angels, ancestors, and my friends I have finally just uploaded it as an ebook. Click on the link on the sidebar, that will take you to the Amazon link.

Follow the journey of a psychic and medium as she discovers her gift to work with those on the “other side.” Share her experiences with ancestors, spirit guides and angels and feel the love and gratitude as she opens the door to the other side for a greater understanding of lost souls, suicide, traumatic death, and missing persons. Connecting with the Other Side is a message of hope for those who have lost a loved one. It is confirmation that we are all loved beyond measure, and it is assurance that the ones we have lost are still close at hand.

I hope you take the time to read of a few of my experiences, feel free to share it with others if you feel they would enjoy it as well. I also would love feedback on Amazon.

Thank you all. 🙂


Your basic core desires

Keep calm and believe

What is it you really want out of life? Are you just bumping along not really paying attention to who and what you are really are? Here is a simple exercise to help you zone in on a few things about yourself. Have fun, and please share what you’ve discovered about yourself!

What are your basic desires?

Get a notebook and record your answers to these questions. Be honest with yourself and find the answers from within your heart not your ego mind.  Some of the questions have several answers; make sure you list all that you can list. Then go over each answer and rate them from 1-10 with10 being what you want the most and 1 not as much.

  1. What would I like to have right now that I don’t have?
  2. What would I do if I could do anything?
  3. What would I be if I could be anything?
  4. What would I do if I had no obligations and unlimited time?
  5. What would I do if I had plenty of money to do all that I wanted and needed to do?
  6. What would I love to do to help others?
  7. What stirs my emotions and tugs at my heart strings?
  8. What makes me happy?
  9. What makes me laugh?
  10. What characteristics would I like to have or strengthen?
  11. What do I want from my spouse?
  12. What would I like to have from my children?
  13. What would I like from others?
  14. What do I like to do for fun?
  15. What are some things I want to change in myself?
  16. What are some things I really want changed in my life?

So, looking at your answers, is there a running theme? What are the core basic desires? Write them down again. If you were able to fulfill these desires, what would it do for you? How does it make you feel to connect with these desires? What can you do to fulfill these desires?

May I suggest you take some time with yourself and do some soul searching, and make the changes necessary to fulfill your basic core desires of who you are and to what is wanted in your life. Be honest and look deep, then refer back to your list to keep you on track!

Please feel free to call me if there are things you would like help with in shifting to being the best of who you are.



Good Vibrations

High Vibration

By now if you live in the or anywhere near, or there about the metaphysical world; you are going to have heard that everything is energy. You have heard over and over about how you should just think positive thoughts you can manifest anything. That you must be specific in what you really want, or not! You may have worked hours and hours even days, months and years on clearing the blocks and beliefs that are no longer serving the person you really are and the life you really think you should be living!
Yet, are you? Have you found that switch to shift your vibrations? Your frequencies to match up with your manifestations, your desires; heck even just to live a good happy day!
That is the focus of this month’s Spiritual Gathering Group. “Good vibrations!” (catchy eh?)
Sunday February 7th @ 10:00 – No. Ogden, Utah
Give yourself a good two hours to be here! Cost $25
Please R.S.V.P and if you can’t make it, I’ll try and do a recap on my blog, so look for that or sign up for my newsletter @ www. kathryn-scott.com
And please feel free to share – pass it on as you will, for even when we change one good thing it benefits the whole.abundance