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There are moments in life where you know you make a difference; when you have said something, done something that has touched someone else’s heart. To touch their heart you must love them, to love them is to love yourself, and to love yourself is to love the sacred Divine. For it is all one. I am a part of you, you are a part of me and we are the sacred Divine.
In those moments be in gratitude for the sacred of us that is you, be in gratitude that your heart expanded beyond self to the greater us.
In the rat race we seem to create of our lives we forget to take the moments and appreciate the beauty of self. We lose focus and balance of who we truly are, we seem to lose sight of our life’s purpose and why we are here on the earth at this time.
When was the last time you really sat and took a moment to look within, to breathe, to let go and relax, to notice yourself? Do you wonder who you are, why you are here? What is your life purpose? Why are you having the experiences you are, and who are the people in your life to you?
Let me help you find some answers let me help you connect to who you are and why you are here.
In the meantime, be kind, be forgiving, be the love that you are.
10% off any session of 30 minutes in the month of February if booked by January 31st.

Happy New Year

new year

Greetings, and a very happy new year to you!
With several people asking about doing group sessions, I decided to start them up again. We seem to get a lot accomplished in energy groups and they can be a lot of fun if you allow the energy of the group to flow, and you are open to new people and experiences.
My intent is that these groups are for you! It is time to step up to the plate of your own spiritual journey and what you need to do, and I want to help you along the path.
These groups are open to the old hats of the healing and spiritual processes and to the newbie’s that are just opening up to their spiritual journey and every one of us in between.
So, here we go!
Spiritual Healing Group
When: First Sunday of every month
Time: 10 am (plan on about 2 hours)
Place: No. Ogden, Utah
Cost: $25
• Digging at the unwanted and debilitating beliefs, programs and patterns.
• Manifesting
• Spiritual growth
• Connecting to your souls purpose
• Connecting to spirit
• And much more
Come play together, grow together, and heal together.
Tell a friend, bring a friend and please R.S.V.P  email @ divinewellnessconnection@gmail.com




I love quiet, it is amazing what you hear when it is quiet. It is amazing what you can see when it is quiet, and discover when it is quiet. Over the years I have learned to be very quiet. I have some friends that this drives them completely crazy to have quiet. There seems to always be noisy around them; music, the television blaring, etc. It reminds me of in the Grinch where he is thinking about Christmas morning in Whoville, with the noise, noise, noise!
When it is quiet however, you tend to find the noise in your own head. Is there noise, noise, noise there too? Ah, it is time to learn what it is to be quiet. Softly, quietly, sacredly; there is a place you can get to in solitude that is your peace. It is a place where you can find answers. In this place you can feel contentment. It is time in your busy life to take a moment and start to be aware of your inner heart. There is peace and solitude there where you may go for a rest.
May I suggest; put down your phone, turn away from you computers, turn off the tv, and the music. Find something beautiful to look at, be in nature even if it is in your imagination. So, if need be close your eyes, and find that beautiful spot in your minds eye. Create this space for yourself. Go there when needed.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Imagine quiet, imagine peace, and imagine rest. Breathe.
In this quiet place, turn off your worries, turn of the noise, and ask yourself to “Be Still” telling yourself that everything is going to be alright, that it okay. Say, I love you. Breathe.
Now, if there is something troubling you; bills, relationships, car troubles, fighting, health issues (okay, the list can be endless) you know your upset. Find one or two things that you are in upset with, and when you are in your solitude, your quiet place. Simply, very simply take this upset and give it over to your quiet. Ask, ask your divine heart, ask your divine Creator for help, for resolution, for peace.
Practice solitude every day. Find places to close your eyes for moments or longer periods if time allows. But allow yourself solitude of heart, solitude of mind. Find your center. Go to this regularly, and you will find yourself being able to shift out of troubled and scattered into happy and calm.

Roses for my Dad

2013-06-03 10.03.56

There is a little pink rosebush that my husband gave me as a gift, and I planted this little bush off the front porch in the flower bed. Now this little rose bush is tucked behind a big rock protected from the other plants and the dog running through the flower bed playing catch.
It never has had very many buds on it, until late October the first part of November, now for No. Utah that is a little strange for me to see blooms on a rose bush so late in the season. I walked passed this little bush on my father’s birthday, and it was in full bloom with 5 or 6 blossoms. Wow I thought roses for my Dad.
Now my Dad loves to garden, and his yard is full of love, full of big rocks and lots of flowers. His lawn is pristine, and so are all his flower beds. I’ll never live up to the perfection of his gardens, but I can have my little corner of the world that is a reminder that there is beauty all around.
I never did cut back those blooms, and now there are several inches of snow on them. But I think of those pink blooms under the snow all frozen in time, and think to myself how much I miss my Dad, and I send those pink roses from my heart to his.

Challenge accomplished!


Thirty day blog challenge and I accomplished it! What an amazing feeling to have done something in my work and got to the finish line! Frankly I’m proud of myself, and for all of you that played along thank you, thank you, thank you! Do you realize that because all of our energy was focused on the same goal it sent the energy out to the universe to help us! So, yahoo to all of us!!!
Finding a connection to your own heart core center, to your own life’s purpose and connecting with your angels with love and for love is the bases of where you can live a healthy, full and wonderful life. My life’s purpose is to help anyone that wants to connect, to teach the ways for them to do so. I love my work, and I am grateful that I am gifted in these intuitive ways. My challenge is in always loving and forgiving myself and taking better care. But I’m working on it, and am finding some joy in the process, and I hope you will too.
And with the challenge over I’d like to offer my fellow challengers a gift. If you have read my blog the last month and it has touched your heart or wanted you to feel better about yourself and even if you didn’t; I’m offering $40 off my online price for an hour reading or consult. We can look at your life path; find and take away some of your blocks, teach you peace or even talk to your angels and loved ones on the other side. Please feel free to message me and set up a time.
Peace and love be to all of you, in gratitude.